From time to time the Council will work with housing associations to provide new affordable housing in rural areas. Some of these sites will be 'rural exception' sites, which are sites where planning permission has been granted, as an exception to planning policy, because there is an identified level of housing need. The planning conditions on these sites will require that the properties are allocated to housing applicants in the highest need, who have a local connection to the local parish.
If you have stated to us that you have a local connection with a rural area then it is your responsibility to provide us of evidence of this connection. The local connection criteria for rural areas, and examples of evidence that you could provide, are shown below;
- currently live in the settlement and have done so for the last 5 years (council tax records; tenancy agreement; evidence from utility provider or bank)
- have been employed in the settlement or village for more than 16 hours per week for the last 5 years (contract of employment/letter of confirmation from employer)
- were born and brought up in the settlement or village for eighteen years, but now live elsewhere (full birth certificate and proof of former residency)
- have close family, defined as parents, siblings and/or adult children who have lived in the settlement or village as their main place of residence for the last consecutive 10 years (full birth certificate or other evidence of relationship connection in addition to evidence of the relations residence)
- other special circumstances which you feel should be considered for a local connection to the area - evidence will need to be provided or why this should be considered.
If you fail to provide written evidence of a local connection you may be overlooked for any rural vacancies that occur.