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Surrey Domestic Abuse and Violence Against Women and Girls Bulletin

Published: Tuesday 18 June 2024


Show Domestic Abuse the Red Card. 

The UEFA European Football Championship 2024 in Germany begins from Friday 14 June, and many of us will be excited to follow the highs and lows of our team’s journey over the next few weeks.


Football doesn't cause domestic abuse, but incidents can increase or become more severe around key matches. Research from Warwick Business School published in 2022 found that reported cases of alcohol-related domestic abuse rose by 47 per cent on the day of an England victory at the World Cup or European Championships. The reported number of alcohol-related cases was also 18 per cent higher than average on the day after an England match. Find out more here: Show Domestic Abuse The Red Card | Healthy Surrey 


The findings are a reminder that while most fans will be celebrating England victories at Euro 2024, these victories also create an atmosphere where perpetrators are more likely to commit domestic abuse. We will be sharing information on our social media channels during the Euros tournament, highlight support services available for victims/survivors of DA and signposting perpetrators to behaviour change programmes available via the Surrey Steps to Change Hub.

The Surrey Steps to Change Hub is a safe space where individuals can benefit from localised, specialist support to increase survivor safety and reduce harm from perpetrators of domestic abuse and stalking. Specialist programmes available at the hub include:


  • Healthy Relationships
  • Compulsive, Obsessive Behaviour Intervention (COBI) - Stalking and Harassment
  • Challenging Unhealthy Relationship Beliefs and Behaviours (CURBB)
  • Youth Using Violence and Abuse (YUVA)


For advice and support please contact the hub via email: or telephone: 01483 900 905.



In Surrey our vision is for every adult and child experiencing domestic abuse to be seen, safe and heard, and free from the harm caused by perpetrator behaviour.  We are pleased to share with you our Surrey Against Domestic Abuse Strategy for 2024 to 2029. At its core, the strategy recognises that no single organisation can deal with the impact of domestic abuse alone. As a partnership, we will focus on preventing domestic abuse for all children, young people and adults affected across their lifespan. Delivery of the strategy will be supported by the Domestic Abuse Management Board with oversight by the Surrey Domestic Abuse Executive. Find out more here: Surrey Against Domestic Abuse Strategy 2024-2029 | Healthy Surrey

Contact: Head of Domestic Abuse & VAWG Commissioning, Safer Communities Team, Surrey County Council (Co-Chair of the Domestic Abuse Management Board).


Useful Links:




Published: Thursday 7 March 2024

Withdrawn property - Ref: 33792 - Falkland Road.Dorking. RH4 3AB

Bidding Cycle 1st - 6th March 2024. We have withdrawn the 1st floor studio flat at Falkland Road Dorking as it was incorrectly advertised.  

This is in fact a ground floor studio flat and will be readvertised on this week's bidding cycle running from 8th - 13th March 2024.

Please place a new bid if you are interested in being considered for this Clarion Housing Association property.

Withdrawn property - Bentsbrook Road flat

Published: Thursday 8 February 2024

Property Ref: 33770 2 bedroom ground floor flat at Bentsbrook Road, North Holmwood. RH5 4HW

Clarion Housing Association have withdrawn this property as there is likely to be a long delay with the ready to let date.

We hope to be able to readvertise this property at some point in the future when the property will be available for applicants to bid on again.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused. 


Published: Wednesday 17 January 2024


Please be aware that you must click on the "submit" button when you completing your yearly renewal or making any amendments to your application.

Failure to do so will mean your renewal has not been received and will result in your housing application being closed.



Published: Friday 20 October 2023

Bidding cycle running from 20th - 25th October 2023

Please note that the adverts for 2 bedroom properties at Pound Crescent & Willow Close do in fact only have 2 bedroom and not 3 as originally advertised.  This has now been amended.

We apologise for any confusion caused.